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Cowboy Lyrics
An' I'm here fer blood, red blood, red blood, An' the man who plays me, his name is MUD."
As he finished speaking a sad-eyed chap,
With a lip a-droop like a pocket flap,
Stepped forward and said, said he:
"I'll go you if I lose, by gee!"
And he throwed a wad that made the chills
Chase up the back of Old Man Bills.
Well, they played and the sad-eyed duck Seemed loaded down with golden luck; But he handled the pasteboards awkwardly, 'Til a sand-hill crane could plainly see He didn't know how, and Poker Bills Just smiled a bit as he drew for "fills." But darn it all, the sad-eyed duck Held onto his dog-gone, blame fool luck; And he horned Old Bills for all his pile, And he did it all in a quiet style, And sweet and kind and pleasantly, 'Til Bills had to grin, did he—did he.
When Bills had soaked his coat and vest, His watch and chain and all the rest, He gave a gasp and he said, said he, "Say, Mister Man, who might you be?" "Oh, I hain't much," replied Sad Eyes, "An' Lightnin' Lige is 'bout my size, An' this here is My chosen biz.